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The Knot Reviewed

Anne Couteau
ExhibitionsConferences October

October 7th
Galerie Amira Sliman Jewellery 9 Rue Ramey
75018 , PARIS

The knot has been imbued since ancient times and in numerous cultures with high symbolic
value, often complex and ambivalent, even contradictory.
The exhibition and talk will draw on this symbolism: a blockage or impediment, a neuralgic
centre that causes confusion; yet a symbol of union, of connections and ties, and of closure;
also a nexus, a focal point of intersection and interaction and of branching off into new territory.
The artists wish to reflect on the knot as part of their life and creative process. They invite you to
undertake a journey into the liminal territory of the knot: a beginning and an end, a problem and
a solution, protection and imprisonment, concrete and abstract.


mardi au samedi 12h-19h

Vernissage 7 oct de 16h à 21h


Conférence “L’anthropologie du noeud” donnée par Ibtissem Ben Dridi,

anthropologue et ingénieure de recherches à l’EHESP

16 oct à 18h30

La conférence sera enregistrée et rediffusée