Travelling together

October 6th75004 , PARIS
Living things move and migrate, leaving ephemeral marks behind. The artist recreates their travels, and imprints their vitality into matter. Footprints and tectonic rugosities are embodied in sculptural brooches, light and airy wingbeats come alive as shimmering necklaces, crackling seeds bloom, dance, and hug a finger, or, carried in an animal’s fur, put down roots here into spectacular sautoirs.
These essential journeys inspire us, exalting the marks of these transports and displacements : friendships’ paths, risks taken, mysterious bonds tied between living beings in order to survive and thrive.
mardi au samedi 11h30-19h30
dimanche 14h-19h
lundi sur rendez-vous au 06 14 42 92 52
Vernissage 6 oct à partir de 18h