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Exhibitions October

October 3rd
Galerie Chéret 11 Rue Mayet
75006 , PARIS

The centenary of American artist Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1996), a founder of Pop Art and expert in citation, provides an opportunity to apply his method of creation to jewellery.
The 11 jewellery designers gathered for this exhibition have chosen to reinterpret famous works by artists as diverse as Van Gogh, Soulages, Magritte, Barbara Hepworth and Roy Lichtenstein…
When artists with an assertive style use their talent to quote or reference other sources, they offer the spectator the two-fold pleasure of admiring a work and of trying to guess the master or work to which they are paying tribute! Humour and sensitivity are the order of the day!

Elsa VANIER – Exhibition curator