So Different To Sit Alone

October 4th75003 , PARIS
The magic of a workshop does not only come from what is made there, but from the objects that are found there: sharing an artistic workspace means sharing “fragments” of oneself. Mathilde Bascaules, Lena Birgitsdotter, Ammeli Engström and Elin Flognman met in the art jewellery workshop at the Göteborg Academy of Art and Design. 10 years later, now living far apart, they wanted to revive the energy of a collective work. Based on “fragments” they sent to one another, they offer personal creations and artworks that grew as they travelled from one workshop to the next.
mercredi au dimanche 12h-18h
Fermé les lundis et mardis
Vernissage 4 oct de 18h à 20h