METAMORPHOSIS: Thierry Vendome invites D'un bijou à l'autre

October 5thWhat is a piece of jewellery?
A precious object, a physical ornament or art?
In a free interpretation of shapes, materials and colours, Thierry Vendome welcomes the organisers of the PARCOURS BIJOUX festival on a journey to the confines of art, where the idea of transformation becomes the very space of each designer’s poetic work.
This is a group show that celebrates creative diversity, dissolving the frontiers between the chaotic and the beautiful, the precious and the ordinary, the predictable and the unexpected, through moving and sensitive jewellery.
In 2003, Thierry Vendome began building a space of freedom in the heart of the Marais, where he introduces new materials like rust into his pieces, seeking to create jewellery that “escapes the laws of reason, leaving every latitude for emotion and the imagination.”
Thursday, October 5 to Saturday, October 14
Opening Thursday, Oct 5 from 4 pm to 9 pm.
Exhibition open daily except Sunday, 11 am to 7 pm